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Share Your Story
Be a part of history. Share your memories about life as an LGBTQ person.

Each of us can recall our earliest awareness of affectional and then sexual attraction to others. Gay men often have a clearer...

Dating a Married Man
In the summer of 1999, when I was 27, I was visiting a friend in Mexicali, Mexico. One day while I was there, he suggested we go to...

I Feel Ya
STORY: The evening was warm and moonless. The only light was the odd firefly bobbing about as we three slipped into the cool waters of...

A Typical Manhattan Evening
STORY: 1981—After my intense three-month affair with Bill Masi, a successful male model, had run its course in early 1981, we became...

Group Travel, Mykonos - 1990 Style
STORY: 1989 to mid-1990s—My husband, Ron Oyer, had a travel business in the 1990s that catered to gay men, geographically mostly from...

Dad and Me
STORY: I grew up in a close-knit and loving family of four in Minnesota. As a child, I was always close to my mom but didn’t really know...

My Nephew Callum
STORY: Callum is the youngest of my brother’s three sons. On the surface, he was a shy kid, but, hidden behind that facade was a bold boy...

Madonna Didn’t Call
STORY" I grew up in South Africa. In 1994, we were promised a new constitution with protected rights and social acceptance for gays. I...

How Did I End Up Here?
STORY: “How did I get to this point?” I kept asking myself nervously and guiltily, during the two-hour train ride. I’m a father,...
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